Preparation Material for all Exams (A1, A2 & B1)
UKVIEXAM has designed extensive training material that will help you to pass the exam in the first attempt. Our expert trainers have created an exclusive training material which covers all the topics that may be asked by the examiner in the exam.
Our aim is to ensure that candidates pass the exam without any difficulties. Following the guidelines of the curriculum and past test exam papers, our trainers have produced the material that is very similar to actual exam paper.
In the preparation material candidate will be provided sample answers and Audio of sample test. Marking criteria will be defined in the training material so that candidate knows what examiner is expecting during the exam.
Free On Call Assessment Service: We encourage all our candidates to opt for On Call Assessment service and get free assessment report from our qualified and experienced assessor. Our expert will simulate exam process and will provide you advice on your preparation.